Professional Hair Transplants Service for Women – Restoring Confidence, Naturally

Hair transplants for women

Hair loss is a common problem. Sometimes the difficulties are related to current factors, and in other cases, the causes cannot be eliminated. People try to use various methods to restore hair, but sometimes it is impossible to solve the problem with all kinds of therapeutic agents and procedures for objective reasons. And the only option is transplantation from the donor area. In a specialized agency, you can go to Turkey: there, in a specialized clinic, hair transplantation is performed for women. The latest technologies are used that have already undergone clinical trials, confirmed their safety and effectiveness. The techniques are affordable, provide comfort of the procedure, optimal results.

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Hair Transplants

Table of Content

  1. Causes of hair loss
  2. Specifics of transplantation technologies: FUE, Sapphire FUE
  3. Medical tourism in Izmir. Only pluses for your comfort
  4. The best conditions of cooperation from a specialised agency

The article is devoted to the specifics of hair loss in women, as well as methods for solving the problem with the involvement of innovative global technologies. It is important to clarify the negative factors that caused the process of abrupt hair loss itself, when the number of fallen bulbs significantly exceeds the norm. Let’s consider the subtleties of hair transplantation technology. The main emphasis is on restorative procedures performed in Turkey.

You can go to Izmir, taking advantage of medical tourism opportunities. Specialists introduce the features of hair transplantation techniques, their advantages and algorithms. The material indicates information about the specialized agency: with our help it is convenient to go to Turkey to solve your problem. The final section provides answers to typical questions on the topic.

Prices for services

Package Sapphire FUE Sapphire FUE GOLD Sapphire FUE Plus
Grafts Up to 2.000 Up to 4.000 +1.000 grafts
Consultation check check check
Personal Translator check check check
VIP Transfer check check check
Price Start from 1.500€ Start from 1.500€ 800€

The exact cost of hair transplant surgery is available after the initial consultation

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Causes of hair loss

The process of hair loss itself is natural and normal. Hair is gradually renewed, this happens throughout life. The hair shaft has its own lifespan, which can last about eight to ten years. But the renewal period is bound to come. The hair bulb gradually loses activity, weakens, and then falls out completely. The problem of hair loss arises when it becomes excessive, exceeding the normal norm for a particular person. As a result, such hair loss has a visible negative result, since the hairstyle simply does not have time to recover.

So, hair loss from a medical point of view is a pathological phenomenon. The hair falls out sharply more, while the total number of hairs on the head is visibly reduced. You can observe baldness: alopecia in certain areas of the head, widening of the parting. The result is such a serious transformation of the hairstyle that the problem can no longer be solved by any cosmetic products, bald spots cannot be masked.

What is the reason? Specialists have identified several common causes of hair loss in women. It is worth paying attention to them in order to know the risk factors in advance, monitor the process, and take appropriate measures to strengthen and restore hair.

  • Genetics. Unfortunately, this factor cannot be corrected. Indeed, genetic predisposition has become a fairly common cause of alopecia. This means that the predisposition to baldness is inherited.
  • Pregnancy. The development of the fetus is directly related to hormonal restructuring of the body. Unfortunately, hair can be “hit”. Many expectant mothers note that they noticed increased hair loss, worsening of the condition of the hair follicles, while growth slowed down.
  • Menopause. Another difficult period accompanied by significant transformations of the hormonal background. The onset of menopause can provoke a deterioration in the general condition of the skin and hair. At the same time, a woman experiences additional stress. Often all this is also reflected in the hair. They become brittle, weakened, the hair bulbs are no longer so reliable.
  • Hormonal imbalances. They arise from nutritional disorders, lack of sleep, from stress and various diseases. If testosterone starts to be excessively produced, this provokes increased hair loss. Bald spots are observed on the crown, as well as in the frontal areas.
  • Stress. Women are prone to mood swings, there may be prolonged stressful conditions. The emotional background is unstable, sleep is disrupted, there are problems with appetite, or even eating disorders. And in combination, all this again puts the condition of the hair at risk, provoking their increased loss
  • Autoimmune failures. A less common problem, but very significant. It turned out that the immune system itself can come into conflict with the hair follicles. The immune system perceives them as hostile, begins to fight them, provokes their weakening and loss.
  • Certain treatment methods. Thus, radiation in the fight against cancer, as well as chemotherapy, can cause abrupt hair loss. Then they can be tried to restore when the course of treatment is already completed

Sometimes alopecia in certain areas occurs due to injuries, burns, mechanical damage. The reason may be stress, poor nutrition, strict diet or sleep disturbances. It is very important that the body receives the necessary amount of protein, vitamins and valuable trace elements.

Specifics of transplantation technologies: FUE, Sapphire FUE

Modern hair transplantation technologies make it possible to solve the problem of hair loss for a long time. The procedure is still considered innovative, but it has been fully tested. Numerous clinical tests have confirmed not only its effectiveness, but also complete safety. The first effective FUE transplantation technique appeared on the world stage, but then an additionally improved version appeared – Sapphire FUE. With some improvements, it was possible to achieve new bonuses during the procedure.

One can safely say that there is some similarity between the FUE and Sapphire FUE techniques, but the latter represents a step up to a new level. Here are some curious facts about hair transplantation.

  • The latest technique uses sapphire blades. With a special tool, exceptional accuracy can be achieved.
  • Hair follicles are removed from the donor area.
  • New areas are prepared for subsequent transplantation. Microscopic incisions are made there for transplantation.
  • The whole procedure is performed under high-quality local anaesthesia, so there is no need to worry about pain
  • Ideal accuracy of depth and angle of inclination is ensured when transplanting all follicles. The hairstyle then looks as natural as possible.
  • With innovative tools, trauma is minimal, and healing occurs in a compressed time frame.
  • After the procedure, when the necessary time has passed, you can observe the restoration of natural density. The natural angle of growth inclination is repeated, everything looks extremely natural.
  • The transplant takes perfectly, rejection is practically absent. The result exceeds the bar by 90%.

Many patients have already managed to appreciate all the benefits of the latest hair transplant technology personally.

Medical tourism in Izmir. Only pluses for your comfort

Now hair transplantation in Turkey has become especially popular. Trips to Izmir have turned into a current direction for a company in the field of medical tourism. We are ready to offer comprehensive services on favourable terms. Safety, excellent service, maximum responsibility in the implementation of each task are guaranteed.

  • We form the most attractive offers, despite the competitive environment.
  • Prices remain at a reasonable level, much attention is paid to economic planning.
  • The staff of the agency includes only the best specialists, competent and responsible.

Evaluate personally all the numerous advantages of medical tourism. With a reliable agency, a trip to Izmir to carry out the procedure will cease to be a problem. Our specialists will organise everything perfectly, provide comfort and a personal approach, take into account all wishes.

The best conditions of cooperation from a specialised agency

We provide the full range of turnkey services. Specialists will do everything to make your trip to Turkey for a hair transplant in Izmir easy and pleasant.

  • The service is maintained at an impeccable level, in accordance with international standards.
  • Specialists monitor the implementation of each task.
  • Translators in all languages work with clients.
  • Personal approach is provided. Any task can be solved with us.
  • Transfers are provided, five-star hotel rooms are prepared for travellers.
  • The most suitable clinic doctor is selected individually, for a specific task.
  • We are always on the side of the client, taking into account all requirements.

Even the most demanding customers remain completely satisfied with these useful trips, which our medical tourism agency organises.

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Clients reviews

We welcome patients from all over the world looking for high-quality and affordable cosmetic medical care. Our travel agency guarantees the expected result and high quality of premium level service.

5 stars

I would like to express my gratitude for the work done! I don’t know how long I would have gone bald if I hadn’t decided to have the surgery! And so already grow hair on the top of my head, where they have not been for a long time. The process is not fast, but I was warned about it. The transplant was done in winter. Now the result is not final. But it is and I can see it. The hair is slowly growing back. My baldness complexes are gradually leaving me, my friends and relatives have noticed that I am even younger. I feel younger myself. I can’t wait until my hair grows back and I can get a haircut instead of shaving my head as I used to do. Thank you for your professionalism!

Archie Wilson

5 stars

I would like to share my gratitude to the clinic staff! My hair transplant surgery for 2000 grafts took place in June 2021. The surgery went without pain or discomfort, and it was fairly quick (I thought it would take longer). I was able to watch TV and even have a snack during the surgery. I will note that the staff is very caring and it is very pleasant. The staff is friendly and they helped me to put all my fears and worries to rest. I strictly followed all the recommendations after the surgery, although the recovery process took some time – of course, I wanted to see the result immediately, but I understood the need to wait. So, 8 months later, the condition of my hair has changed significantly – it’s like heaven and earth compared to the old photos. Thank you again for your help and attention to detail.

Joshua Harris

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